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Creative Clubs 

Creative Clubs

Creative Clubs are a new way to Unleash Your Creativity. Creative Clubs will build skills in a fun and safe environment in all of your favorite creative fields in the arts and athletics. Join your peers as you increase your knowledge and become the best creator you can be. 

Coming this Fall:

SportsTalk/Broadcasting, Film Club, Songwriting Club, Playwriting Club, Invent a Sport Club

How it Works

  • Participants can sign up and attend different clubs at Arts and Athletics Club

  • Clubs are one hour sessions of skill-building, games, hands on activities, and more

  • Clubs are currently for school age participants

  • You do not need to attend every session of a specific club.

  • You must sign up for a club session before arriving. Clubs will not run if they do not have sign ups so if you show up without signing up, there is potential for the club not to be running.  

  • Before attending a club, each participant must purchase a club card.

  • Club cards can be used for one specific club or mix and match different clubs

  • Each club card will have certain number of sessions attached to it. Each time you attend a club, it will count towards one of the sessions. Once the club card is out of sessions, you may purchase a new club card

  • The Invent a Sport Workshop is a Free Club. Attending this club does not count as any sessions of your club card 

  • Club Card Prices:

    • 1 Session $15

    • 3 sessions $30

    • 6 Sessions $50


Purchase a Club Card

Spring/Summer 1 Schedule

Coming this Fall

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